The inevitable result of any golf lesson is the instant elimination of the one critical unconscious motion that allowed you to compensate for all of your many other errors
Friday’s Golf Thought:
No matter how bad you are playing, it is always possible to play worse.
Fridays Golf Thought:
The less skilled the player, the more likely he is to share his ideas about the golf swing.
Friday’s Golf thought:
If you’re afraid a full shot might reach the green while the foursome ahead of you is still putting out, you have two options: you can immediately shank a lay-up, or you can wait until the green is clear and
Fridays Golf thought:
When your shot has to carry over a water hazard, you can either hit one more club or two more balls.
Friday’s Golf Tip
Never try to keep more than 300 separate thoughts in your mind during your swing.
‘Don’t buy a putter until you’ve had a chance to throw it.’
With a new golf season teeing off tomorrow I thought I would share some golf facts/wisdom/funnies on a Friday. For those of us who don’t have Rory’s guns, watching his 3-iron tossed into the lake at the ‘Blue Monster’ this year.