
Despite the popularity of spreadsheets, metrics and dashboards Business Intelligence is NOT Widely Used.  The TIBCO Analytics mission with Spotfire is to deliver the right information, at the right time, in the right context to every knowledge worker.

Delivering smarter, faster actionable insight, personalized to each user and delivered at the point-of-decision via a modern, self-service analytics & reporting platform.


In every business and organization in the world people are looking at data…

…inevitably we see something that we did not expect maybe one bar in a bar graph is higher than anticipated; or some points on plot are outliers in the far corner.  The next obvious question is Why?


TIBCO Spotfire is the fastest and easiest path to getting the answer to that next question.

 Currently where does all of your data sit, is it all in one place, is it easily accessible?

How are you accessing your data?  What’s difficult about that process?

Do you use Excel to collate data from different sources?

If you could change one thing about the way you access your data what would it be?

Spotfire is the fastest and easiest path to access & assemble your data.






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