Management Services Overview

With a sales and marketing orientation plus more than 20 years of developing, selling, implementing and delivering IT applications, technical skills and knowledge, you may already have a potential need for these capabilities. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss with you how as an independent consultant we can deliver value into your business plans and initiatives.

Areas of management expertise include Sales & Marketing, Service Delivery, Software Design, Development and Testing, Project Management.

Areas of application expertise include ERP, Enterprise Asset Management and mobile solutions, Integrated Work Management, HR and Competence Management, Environmental Health & Safety, CAD/CAM and Document Management.

From a current software applications perspective, implementation, management skills and detailed knowledge of: Maximo®; BusinessObjects®; Oracle™; Monitor’s mpower-suite™ and M2K for Maximo® and related browser technologies can deliver significant business value in their own right in an interim management or project management role for implementations of these products.


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