A large service company has partnered with several operating companies for large scale well stimulation contracts.  The company must review the results with the operator on a regular basis to show improvement.  The service company would like to streamline the review process and presentation.


  • What was the success rate?
  • How does this year compare to last?
  • How do we compare to the competition?
  • What is the return on your investment?

The service company created links to their stimulation database and established the key analysis metrics plus a workflow guide to create and present them.

The company has greatly reduced the time needed to generate and deliver the presentations to their clients.  In addition the number of engineers in the company capable of producing the necessary analysis has tripled due to the capturing of the work process.  Where necessary each engineer can now “on the fly” show their clients a summary of the stimulation progress, leading to a greater confidence in the partnership.


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